*Pecquet, S., Bovetto, L., Maynard, F., & Fritsché, R. (2000). Peptides obtained by tryptic hydrolysis of bovine β-lactoglobulin induce specific oral tolerance in mice. Journal ofAllergy and Clinical Immunology, 105(3), 514-521.

*Reference: Gappa, Monika, et al. "Long-term effects of hydrolyzed formulae on atopic diseases in the GINI study." Allergy (2020).
**Nestlé submitted 18 publications of 12 cohorts to support its petition for a QHC. The FDA concluded that the current scientific evidence is appropriate for consideration of a Qualified Health Claim regarding the relationship between the consumption of 100% whey protein, partially hydrolyzed infant formula can effectively adjust the health physique.